>Blood Donation in Punjab | Blood Donation near me | PUNJAB BLOOD SEWA

Blood Donation


Blood donation plays a special role in saving lives. Every drop can save a man and his family. Loss of blood during an accident cannot be compensated by anything else. In this article, we'll explore blood donation in detail, the process, impact on individuals and communities.

Why Need for Blood Donation:

It depends on the patient's medical conditions. Doctors require blood for patient surgeries, chronic illnesses, accident cases, delivery etc. However, with today's advancements in medical technology, there is no substitute for human blood, voluntary blood donations are an essential part of human healthcare.

Effects on Blood Donation:

Kindly keep in mind tattoos can affect your willingness to donate blood due to some reasons. To donate blood you may need to wait for few days after making new tattoo. It is our request always provided full information of your medical history and about recent tattoos before donating blood.

The Blood Donation Process:

Select the easy process of blood donation with us. Select any nearest blood bank in your area. On our website we provide the name, address and contact no. of each blood bank available in Punjab at your nearest location. Click on the list of blood banks and select, call to the respective doctor as per your requirement. The available doctor will first check eligibility criteria like your age, weight and will ask about your health history. After a brief health screening, a trained doctor will collect a unit of blood, around 500 milliliters. Dear users, it is our request that after donating the blood, kindly take rest at the same blood bank for 40 to 60 minutes. So that after donating the blood if you found any weakness immediately the blood bank doctor can provide you help to feel you batter.

Blood Banks Role while blood donation:

Being a human if you play a role to serve the society then blood banks also play the same role in our society. Blood banks help to store blood and keep proper temperature to keep the blood safe. At any emergency situation blood banks provide blood to patients. Blood banks also keep records of each blood donor and if found any diseases immediately inform the donor and reject the blood to serve any patient.

After donating blood:

After donate blood take following dites Nov vegetarian : take beef, poultry, fish, Eggs Vegetarian : Beans, lentils, tofu, Fortified cereals, Dark green leafy vegetables, spinach, kale, oranges, grapefruits, Strawberries, Bell peppers, Tomatoes The above will help to regenerate your body and help to replace the volume of blood in your body. It is recommended to take rest after donating blood.

Awareness to donate blood :

Some small-minded people in our society have spread this rumor that donating blood causes physical problems, it is a painful process that's why they change the mind of few donors to not donate blood. These types of people display the wrong direction to new blood donors. These peoples also become guilty of the house of God. These types of members of our society need to change their thinking and be encouraged to donate blood so that the society can provide support to the needy patients.

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